Where are you located?
Our property address is 7650 E Gum Rd, Murfreesboro, TN 37127. Our self storage units are a great choice for those in Murfreesboro, Manchester, Christiana, Rockvale, Bradyville, Beechgrove, Lakewood Park, and Readyville.

When do you take calls?
Our team is available to take calls from Monday to Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. We provide a self storage facility that lets you do everything online, including renting a unit to start your next move from anywhere!

What are your access hours?
The facility is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. At any point throughout the year, you can feel free to use our keypad gate to visit your unit. Don’t hesitate to ask us for more information about our features and business hours.

How far are you from Middle Tennessee State University?
We are 9 miles away, meaning you can reach us after a 15-minute drive via US Hwy 41. Our self storage units are neatly spaced so that you can drive your car directly up to them. This allows you to load and unload items into the unit with ease.
How long are the contracts?
Each contract is typically a month-long, but you can choose a different option if you think it suits you better. The contracts are renewed monthly for as long as you need a storage unit. When it’s time to move out, simply communicate that to us.

Why should I rent a unit?
You can rent a unit to store seasonal items that are not needed during the winter months, when you’re between places and lack the room to store your stuff, or while on military deployment. Plus, many college students attend school far from home. A self storage unit is the perfect alternative for when they lack the space to store their stuff near the campus.

Do you offer vehicle parking?
Yes, we have many outdoor boat/RV/vehicle parking spaces available here on our property. We are conveniently located near the interstate, allowing you to store your camper, boat, or car at any time when you’re ready to make the drive out here.